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fake jordan 12 is another classic production of Jordan. The fake jordan 12 series of dope sneakers uses a full palm zoom air cushion, which is a must-have equipment for playing basketball. The fake jordan 12 of dopesneakers uses a full palm zoom air cushion. For the fake of dope sneakers jordan 12 wearer, provides execution, the fake jordan 12 of dope sneakers is a must-have for running and bouncing.

Jordan 12 Reps was launched in November 1996. Jordan 12 Reps is one of the few pairs of AJ shoes to use full-length ZOOM AIR. It is also the first pair of ZOOM Jordan shoes. It also uses a large area of carbon fiber.Is Reps jordan 12 suitable for running and basketball?The fake jordan 12 series of dope sneakers uses a full palm zoom air cushion, which is a must-have equipment for playing basketball.