Balenciaga Triple S Electronic Green 512178 W09T1 9000

Balenciaga Triple S Electronic Green 512178 W09T1 9000


Name: 1:1 Replica  Balenciaga Triple S Electronic Green

Style:512178 W09T1 9000


1:1 Replica Balenciaga Triple S Electronic Green from Dope sneakers Gray mesh, black and white leather, reflective materials and other materials are superimposed and stitched together to add elements of the current trend in the strong outdoor wind. The overall shape is inspired by trail running shoes. Equipped with a large sole of the same order.

Dopesneakers have a high degree of control over the Replica Balenciaga Triple S process. Our Replica Balenciaga Triple S was compared with the real Balenciaga Triple S. Various details were compared and checked by many Balenciaga experts, and it was found that it was impossible to distinguish the fake. After the Replica Balenciaga Triple S was tested for abrasion resistance and peeling, the test results of the Replica Balenciaga Triple S were almost the same as the genuine product, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

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  • If the shoes you received are damaged, we can give you a full refund after we identify them

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